Architectural design
A multi level process. The preliminary design’s purpose is to clerify the will, the circumstances, the requirements and law restrictions.
The next phase is getting the building permit from the authorities, then comes the building plans which contains all the deails required to realize the project.
Each phase takes 1-2 months.
The next phase is getting the building permit from the authorities, then comes the building plans which contains all the deails required to realize the project.
Each phase takes 1-2 months.
Interior design
As the the look of outside has importance for the good of the public, the interior is more important for the ones living inside.
The harmony of materials, furnitures, textiles, lights and colours has the affect on the way we feel, tha way we behave.
We need experience and knowledge on the the possible materials and lighting methods currently on market, and an architect proficient in interior design can help.
The harmony of materials, furnitures, textiles, lights and colours has the affect on the way we feel, tha way we behave.
We need experience and knowledge on the the possible materials and lighting methods currently on market, and an architect proficient in interior design can help.
Energy efficiency certificate
Buildings are consuming power the same way as household utensils, with calculated design, modernization consumption efficiency rate can be increased.
The process of assesment of existing is on, and certificating is the method, as it is a obligatory attachment of a tenement sales contract.
It shows the engeticaly weak points of the building and points out the improvenment method. A simple measuring or existing plans are needed for the certificating.
The result takes a few days.
The process of assesment of existing is on, and certificating is the method, as it is a obligatory attachment of a tenement sales contract.
It shows the engeticaly weak points of the building and points out the improvenment method. A simple measuring or existing plans are needed for the certificating.
The result takes a few days.
Visualization design
If you are uncertain that the designs result the dreamhouse, and you want to have a realistic view of what the result will look like, the computertechnology is making it possible.
YOu can try out how different materials has different affect on the image, to make the result as close as the wished as possible.
And it costs much less to try out more roof tiles, or a wall colours, because a bad choise of material can corrupt even the best design.
YOu can try out how different materials has different affect on the image, to make the result as close as the wished as possible.
And it costs much less to try out more roof tiles, or a wall colours, because a bad choise of material can corrupt even the best design.
Building supervision
If you have more contractors, for example aside building structure a separate contractor makes the heating, electic system, the law says that you need a building supervisor,
who serves your interest by monitoring the building process, to ensure the result is adequate to the technical requirements and the plan.
You’ll need a trusted advisor against the contractor with his own self interest to make the right choices in any unexpected situation.
who serves your interest by monitoring the building process, to ensure the result is adequate to the technical requirements and the plan.
You’ll need a trusted advisor against the contractor with his own self interest to make the right choices in any unexpected situation.
Law and regulation assistance
From the moment of a deciosion whether to buy a tenement, it is not easy to find the right way, aplication in the maze of procendure of authoities and building registration offices or a special engineer to make it.
The architect can help you, or can take contoll of the process with his experience dealing with authorities and knowing the best proffessional for the job, make advices to avoid conflict at inspections of the authorities.
The procees of building is overregulated at the moment, and strict due to the electonic administration, resulting costly forfeits and lawsuits, better to avoid them if possible.
The architect can help you, or can take contoll of the process with his experience dealing with authorities and knowing the best proffessional for the job, make advices to avoid conflict at inspections of the authorities.
The procees of building is overregulated at the moment, and strict due to the electonic administration, resulting costly forfeits and lawsuits, better to avoid them if possible.

If you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of you life.Frank Lloyd Wright

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Architecture , Architect
postgradual studies at Vándoriskola of Kós Károly Egyesülés, graduate
Professional experience:
NRZST Építészműhely Kft. – architect
Bodonyi Építészműhely Kft. – architect
Kvadrum Építész Kft. – architect
Esztány Studio Srl. – architect
Axis Építésziroda Kft. – architect
Forma Zrt. – architect
Planning permissions:
Architect designer
É 20-0306
Energetic certificator
TÉ 20-0306
Phone: +36 20 391 6936
Address: 7th, Jókai M. Street , 8360 Keszthely